Thursday 27 November 2008

Madonna Post-Guy: Drinks with Penn, Mothering Britney?

Now that Madonna is officially free of Guy Ritchie, is she looking to reconnect with a couple of people from her past? Not only was the Big M recently spied having a drink with her first ex-husband, Sean Penn, but she's also believed to be trying to bring Britney Spears back into her inner circle.

On Wednesday night, Madonna, 50, reportedly raised a glass with Penn at the Greenwich Hotel in New York following her weed-whacked appearance (see above) at a Gucci bash.

Their conversation remains a mystery, although perhaps the former flames were reminiscing about their famously volatile four-year union, which ended in 1989, not long after the well-muscled pop icon filed an assault complaint against the ornery actor.

"They have a nice rapport," a mole tells People. "There's nothing romantic there. They're just good friends."

So good that Penn, who reconciled with wife Robin Wright earlier this year, supposedly text-messaged Madonna after filming his lip-lock scene with James Franco in "Milk," telling her, "I just popped my cherry kissing a guy. I thought of you. I don't know why."

Meanwhile, the London Daily Mail speculates that Madonna is looking to lure Britney back into the Kabbalah fold, a rumor that comes a few weeks after the road-to-recovery-walking popster joined her onstage at the Los Angeles stop of her Sticky & Sweet tour

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